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IP News

Etiqueta: Articles

Almost without realising it, prompts have gone from being complete strangers to becoming part of our technological vocabulary. All of us can ask Chat-GPT questions, interact with it, and thus generate prompts. However, as the complexity of the task asked...
PONS IP, a global intellectual and industrial property consulting firm, has held a meeting at the PONS Foundation with the participation of experts and public officials from the sector such as WIPO Green and the Spanish Patent and Trademark Office,...
PONS IP, a global consulting firm specialising in intellectual property, has announced the integration of SILEX IP, a firm specialising in patent and trademark registration, with the aim of consolidating PONS IP’s current leading position as the top intellectual property...
PONS IP, the leading national consultancy firm in intellectual property has recently been recognised by The Legal 500 in its reference list of the best law firms in the world, highlighting its value in the area of patents. In this...
PONS IP, leading consultancy firm in comprehensive advice on industrial and intellectual property and new technologies for Spain, Europe and Latin America has once again participated actively in the Transfiere Forum, the main R&D&I meeting in Southern Europe held in...

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