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The role of Intellectual Property in technological sovereignty
The role of Intellectual Property in technological sovereignty

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Today Fundación Cotec para la innovación presented a document on Technological Sovereignty, the result of a Working Group coordinated by the PONS IP consulting firm

Fundación Cotec para la innovación presented the study titled Technological sovereignty and intellectual property at its headquarters today.This study is the result of a Working Group coordinated by the Pons IP consulting firm in which thirty representatives of its member organisations have participated, representing both the public and private spheres. The document is now available at

The study highlights the role of industrial property as a catalyst for technological sovereignty and makes recommendations for strengthening it. It also emphasises the importance of having one’s own technological capabilities and partnerships with third parties in order to market and provide critical technologies, thereby avoiding dependencies.

In the presentation, Jorge Barrero, General Manager of Cotec, recognised the role of the working groups within the Fundación as forums for dialogue and reflection to address matters such as technological sovereignty. “They are instrumental for undertaking major transformations associated with the social, economic and political challenges we face today,” said Barrero.


The document highlights the relevance of technological sovereignty when enabling a territory to independently decide on strategic issues. In this regard, the approach adopted by the European Union that places technological sovereignty within the broader concept of open strategic autonomy is reviewed.

The study also discusses some of the main challenges that Spain faces when it comes to playing a relevant role in the measures that are implemented in the European Union. These challenges notably include the availability of professional profiles in STEM fields and investment in deep tech companies.

Nuria Marcos, General Manager of PONS IP, emphasised in her speech that “the report makes it clear that industrial property-intensive sectors represent almost half of all GDP and more than 90% of all EU exports”. “Nevertheless”, added Marcos, “Spain and southern EU countries still hold onto a strong business culture that focuses on tangible assets, meaning that a very substantial gap continues to exist compared to central and northern European countries that prioritise the generation and development of intellectual property rights”.

Marcos explained that, in quantitative terms, France and Germany have 10 times more patents granted per million inhabitants than Spain: “We believe that if Spain focuses on promoting the industrial property rights generated by our production model, we will enhance our technological sovereignty, our productivity and, by extension, the quality of life of our citizens”, remarked the Manager of PONS IP.

Among the 13 proposals relating to industrial property that are included in the publication, the promotion of technological watch reports and the development of a model of joint ownership of patents between the public and private sectors are worth noting. Furthermore, the creation of platforms to foster a unified offer of patent licensing and the provision of support in patent litigation outside Spain is proposed.

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