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Industrial Design: Because appearance also matters
Industrial Design: Because appearance also matters

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What is Industrial Design and why protect It?

In a legal sense, an industrial design constitutes the ornamental or aesthetic aspect of an object. It may consist of three-dimensional features, such as shape, or two-dimensional features, such as patterns, lines or colours. Industrial design protection enables the owner to prevent third parties from making, selling or importing articles that bear a model or drawing of the protected design for commercial purposes.

Reasons to consider Industrial Design protection:

  1. Competitive advantage: By registering a design, you acquire the right to prevent competitors from reproducing it.
  2. Increased business value: The registration of an industrial design is an intangible asset that can significantly increase your company’s value.
  3. Added value of your products: When protecting a product, the design makes it more appealing and noteworthy to customers, potentially being the decisive factor in the purchasing process.
  4. Improved benefits: Registering a valuable design contributes to a better return on investment.
  5. Additional protection: In the case of patent protection, its protection does not extend to the aesthetic or ornamental scope. Industrial design makes it possible for you to reinforce and expand its protection. This is because both items, the patent and the design, protect distinct and complementary aspects of an invention.

The aesthetic aspect as a strategic tool

Industrial Design protects only appearance or aesthetic features, while patent protection protects the technical features of an invention that offers a new technical solution to a problem. Taking both into account is a strategic element that increases and strengthens the protection of your invention by considering protection at different levels.

Industrial Design + Patent Protection, a strategic advantage that will give your innovation the boost it needs

At PONS IP, we help you to create the perfect strategy for your Industrial Designs. Get in touch with us!

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